Walk & Talk Therapy
Stressed? Overwhelmed? Depressed? Anxious? Pressed for Time?
Need to discuss about your concerns or some life coaching and also get exercise and fresh air at the same time? Try Walk & Talk Therapy.
Physical activities e.g. walking increases the release of endorphins and gets more oxygen to the brain, which could facilitate more creativity and better problem solving.
When we take a walk and talk about the challenges, you will enjoy the benefits of physical activity, fresh air and new insights or ideas to manage your concerns.
Numerous research studies have shown that regular walking can reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and increase self-esteem.
Walk and Talk Session
- We start with an update of your week, emotional and physical status, in order to identify current issues/stresses, needs and goals.
- Then we move into a brief warm-up/stretch (10min).
- Followed by Walk & Talk (40 min).
- Can be either outdoors (park, street, track) or indoors (treadmill).
- The emphasis during Walk & Talk session is usually focused more on emotional issues, and support.
- Depending on your needs and fitness level, we could adjust the pace of the walk appropriately.
- Session ends with cool-down/stretch, debrief, and planning for the coming week.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone participate in Walk & Talk therapy?
Most people can participate in Walk & talk therapy, as long as there are no medical reasons that may prevent you from walking. As with any form of exercise, you could consult your doctor before starting.
Is Walk & Talk Therapy a cardio workout?
The emphasis during Walk & Talk therapy is on the therapy, the walking is a secondary benefit. The speed of the walking would be determined by you and it should usually be in a conversational pace.

Learn More!
The following resources will help you discover more about this effective approach:
A Walk in the Park Gives Mental Boost to People With Depression
Therapist’s Perceptions of Walk and Talk Therapy: A Grounded Study
In this video, Clay Cockrell, a New York mental health professional and pioneer of Walk and Talk Therapy, explains why the combination of movement and conversation is so successful to therapy.